The 9 Biggest Mistakes Hurting Your Photography Business and How to Fix Them

Running a content creation studio, my partner and I have learned that appearing as a “small business” can hurt your credibility. It can make potential clients think you have limited resources, poor communication, and a lack of scalability, which often leads to low-paying, one-off projects. Here are nine ways you're making yourself look like a small business and how to fix them!

1. Avoid Using the Word “I”

When speaking with potential clients, use the words "we" or "my team" instead of "I." This increases your business's perceived value making you look more established and reliable. This helps clients trust you more because they feel like they're getting a top-notch service. As a result, brands are often willing to pay a premium, believing you offer better reliability and quality (which you do!).

2. Be Descriptive and Direct in Emails

Always be clear and specific in your communications. Being descriptive in emails enhances your professionalism, reduces misunderstandings, and improves efficiency, all of which contribute to a positive business reputation and client satisfaction.

So the next time you’re confirming a project timeline, don’t say "I'll have that over to you by next week.” You should instead say, "We'll have that completed project over to you by next Wednesday." This removes ambiguity and sets clear expectations, preventing misunderstandings and disappointment.

Photography Welcome Packet Template

3. Have Professional Onboarding Materials

What does your onboarding process look like? Do you just chat with a brand on Instagram until they decide to snap their fingers and hire you?

Instead, get potential clients out of your DMs and into your email inbox. You can start by sending them a Professional Welcome Packet that introduces them to your business. This packet should outline your services and answer common questions!

4. Offer Multiple Payment Options

Please, please, please, Don’t ask clients to pay you through PayPal email, Cashapp, or Venmo 😬. This is mortifyingly unprofessional! Use a service like Square, which allows you to accept various payment forms and integrates with your CRM system for branded invoices and contracts. This makes your business look, and operate, like a six-figure enterprise.

Related Video: 3 Photography Programs To Grow & Organize Your Business

5. Use Branded Email and Website URLs

Using a branded email and website URL is a simple yet powerful way to elevate your business's professional image. Instead of using the personal email address you made when were 15 years old (EX:, opt for a domain-specific email such as "" A branded email address not only looks more professional but also helps build trust with potential clients. It signals that you're an established business with a legitimate online presence, which can increase their confidence in your services.

Similarly, having an official website URL, like "," instead of a random URL, reinforces your brand's credibility.

Setting up a branded email and website is straightforward and relatively affordable. Services like Google Workspace offer domain registration and email hosting for a reasonable annual fee. Investing in these tools is a small cost for a significant boost in your business's professional appearance and client trust.

6. Create Professional Branding

Professional branding starts with having a well-designed logo. In today’s digital age, there are countless resources like Etsy and Canva where you can easily create a beautiful logo that represents your brand identity.

You can also customize one of the 20+ free photography logos given to you inside our free mini-course. 👇🏼

7. Invest in a High-Quality Website

A high-quality website is essential for your business. Think of it as your digital storefront. Potential clients will often visit your website first to learn about your services and see examples of your work.

Using services like Squarespace or Wix you can easily create a professional-looking site without needing to know how to code. make sure your website includes:

  • A Clear Home Page: Briefly introduce yourself and what you do.

  • Portfolio Section: Showcase your best work. High-quality images and videos are crucial here!

  • About Page: Share your story, your experience, and what sets you apart.

  • Contact Information: Make it easy for clients to reach you. Include a contact form and email address.

  • Testimonials: Social proof is powerful (more on this next).

8. Display Testimonials

Testimonials are a powerful way to build trust with potential clients. They provide proof that your services are effective and that other clients have been satisfied with your work. In fact, displaying reviews can increase conversion rates by 34% and influence purchasing decisions for 97% of consumers​ (DataPins)​​ (WiserNotify)​. Even small reviews can resonate with potential clients, increasing your chances of getting business!

9. Keep Your Online Presence Updated

Regularly updating your website and social media profiles is crucial to maintaining an active and engaging online presence. This not only helps attract new clients but also keeps existing clients interested and informed.

A well-maintained online presence suggests that your business is thriving, which reassures potential clients that your services are in demand and effective.

🌟 Bonus: Free Mini-Course

Take your product photography business to the next level and sign up for our Free 5-Day Mini-Course! Inside we’ll share how to scale your business and make six figures creating content for dream brands!

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